Neville Goddard Quotes

Neville Goddard Went First Class Quote

neville_goddard_first_class_barbadosSo, when I went down to the ship company, they said to me, “I am sorry, Mr. Goddard, but I do not have a first-class passage for you. We can accommodate you third class. You have the first-class accommodation for meals, and you can have all the other areas of first class; but for sleeping, you have to move into the third class.” I said, “That’s perfectly all right with me. I’ll take it.”

I went back to Abdullah and I told him. Do you know what he did when I said, “I am going third class to Barbados, but I have the accommodations of the first for the daylight hours?”
He said, “Who told you you’re going third class” You are already in Barbados, and you went first class.” Again, he closed the door on me.

I went down to the ship the morning it sailed, on the 6th of December; and the ticket agent said to me, “Mr. Goddard, I have good news for you. We have a cancellation, and now you can go first class, but you will share it with two others. There are three in the cabin.”

“That is perfectly all right with me.” So, I went down first class.

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

I Am All Imagination – 1971 – Neville Goddard

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Neville Goddard Went First Class Quote
Do you know what he did... He said, “Who told you you’re going third class” You are already in Barbados, and you went first class.” Again, he closed the door on me.
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Neville Goddard Quotes
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