Neville Goddard Quotes

Neville Goddard’s 3 Hour Feel It Real Success Story

3_hour_feel_it_real_success_story_neville_goddard“While in the act of shaving, I imagined I was speaking to my wife, and I said to her, ‘Isn’t it wonderful, the good news concerning George’.”

“Then I allowed her, in my imagination, to say, ‘Yes, isn’t it wonderful.’ Three hours later, he called me to tell me it’s so good he doesn’t know what, really, to take. He said that in the immediate present two, wonderful jobs are offered to him. Jobs he can do and do well.”

“Both are great and he doesn’t know which one to take. Now he has another problem. I will now assume that he has taken the right one, the best one, and I know that in the immediate future, George will again call me and tell me that, on reflection, he could not have chosen more wisely.” – Neville Goddard

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Neville Goddard's 3 Hour Feel It Real Success Story
"Three hours later, he called me to tell me it’s so good he doesn’t know what, really, to take. He said that in..."
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Neville Goddard Quotes
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