So the starting point of true metaphysics, on its practical side, is self-observation in order to discover one’s reactions to life, reactions that form one’s secret self – the cause of the phenomena of life.
With Emerson, I accept the fact that “Man surrounds himself with the true image of himself . . . what we are, that only can we see.” There is a definite connection between what is outer and what is inner in man, and it is ever our inner states that attract our outer life. Therefore, the individual must always start with himself. It is one’s self that must be changed.
Man, in his blindness, is quite satisfied with himself, but heartily dislikes the circumstances and situations of his life.
He feels this way, not knowing that the cause of his displeasure lies not in the condition nor the person with whom he is displeased, but in the very self he likes so much.
Not realizing that “he surrounds himself with the true image of himself” and that “what he is, that only can he see,” he is shocked when he discovers that it has always been his own deceitfulness that made him suspicious of others.
Self-observation would reveal this deceitful one in all of us; and this one must be accepted before there can be any transformation of ourselves. At this moment, try to notice your inner state. To what thoughts are you consenting? With what feelings are you identified? You must be ever careful where you are within yourself.
Most of its think that we are kind and loving, generous and tolerant, forgiving and noble; but an uncritical observation of our reactions to life will reveal a self that is not at all kind and loving, generous and tolerant, forgiving and noble. And it is this self that we must first accept and then set about to change.
Rebirth depends on inner work on one’s self. No one can be reborn without changing this self. Any time that an entirely new set of reactions enters into a person’s life, a change of consciousness has taken place, a spiritual rebirth has occurred.
This Neville Goddard quote is explored and expanded upon in these two articles
Neville Goddard Fundamentals – Part 1 – Seven Secret Masterkeys
Neville Goddard – The Purpose of Metaphysics