“Let me now share a letter I received from a friend. In it he said: Last Monday night a friend asked me for help, so that night I spent a half hour imagining I heard the words he would say if his desire were realized. Just before I awoke the next morning, the friend’s wife appeared in my dream and thanked me for my help.”
“Then Tuesday evening, while enjoying some music in my living room, my friend appeared in reverie. Speaking with authority, power, and joy, he used the identical words I heard when I imagined him confirming the fulfillment of his desire, and I felt the thrill of completion.” – Neville Goddard
This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture
It is featured in the article: How To Manifest When You Can’t Visualize

Article Name
How To Manifest When You Can't Visualize
"Last Monday night a friend asked me for help, so that night I spent a half hour imagining I heard the words he would say if his...."
Neville Goddard
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Neville Goddard Quoes
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