“You and I actually became human, that humanity may become spirit – as we are! You are not a little worm that God became. You were God before you devised the grand experiment, knowing it was the only way that man could become as you are!”
“Reverse your thinking! Think of yourself as God and you will have an entirely different feeling about becoming man. Although certain passages of scripture are not understood on this level, their meaning will be revealed, for we made everything because we loved it.”
“Then we became man to raise and glorify our creations. We had to completely forget our true being in order to assume our creation and raise it to our level.”
This Feel It Real Quote is from:
God Became Man – Lecture by Neville Goddard

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Reverse Your Thinking - Feel It Real
"Reverse your thinking! Think of yourself as God and you will have an entirely different feeling about..."
Neville Goddard
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Neville Goddard Quotes
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