“In the beginning you promised that you would take the consequences of your imaginal acts, good, bad or indifferent. And you can try from now until the end of time to change the outside, but only when you change your way of thinking can you change your world.”
“Give a man something on the outside to support him and you have conditioned his world and he will curse you when you stop it. But show him how to use his imagination to attract what he wants and you have given him the gift of life.”
This Feel It Real quote is from:
Prophetic Sketches by Neville Goddard

Article Name
The Gift Of Live - Feel It Real
"Give a man something on the outside to support him and you have conditioned his world and he will curse you when you stop it. But show him how to use his imagination to attract what he wants and you have given him the..."
Neville Goddard
Publisher Name
Neville Goddard Quotes