How To Feel It Real For Pain

emmett_napping“Pain comes from lack of relaxation. When you sleep there is no pain. If you are under an anesthetic, there is no pain because you are relaxed, as it were. If you have pain it is because you are tense and trying to force something.”

“You cannot force an idea into embodiment, you simply appropriate it. It is attention minus effort. Only practice will bring you to that point where you can be attentive and still be relaxed.” – Neville Goddard
This Neville Goddard quote is from the The Core Lecture’s Q and A  and is featured in this article on Health and Healing With Neville Goddard

What Causes Health Problems – Neville Goddard Quotes

turtle1“The physical body is an emotional filter. Many human ailments, hitherto considered purely physical, are now recognized as rooted in emotional disturbances.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the The Core Lecture’s Q and A  and is featured in this article on Health and Healing With Neville Goddard

Dare To See Radiant Health – Neville Goddard Quotes

neville_goddard_magical_mirror_feel_it_real_method“Look at yourself in the mirror and dare to see radiant health and happiness reflected back to you. Then say within yourself: “I remember when my reflection was so different.” Persist in seeing your new image reflected there and you will resurrect that state.”

“Your image, your concept of yourself or of another, is in your own wonderful human imagination who is Christ and Christ is the only God. God the Father and Christ your creative power are the same being, therefore he has never left you!” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture  Esau and Jacob and is featured in this Manifesting Health and Healing Article:  Neville Goddard’s Secret Mirror Method

Do It Now – Neville Goddard Quotes

bike“So, he hung up. I did not leave the ‘phone until I was self-persuaded that he had called me and told me of the good news that he had his two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to launch this new venture in these special things that he is making.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture

He Is Dreaming Now

GO TO:  Manifesting More Money

Manifest Faster – Neville Goddard Quote

emmett_big_special_smile_running“Called upon to look for the cause of creation, what are you doing losing yourself in the phenomena of life? When something happens, search your thoughts and you will discover your own wonderful human imagination to be the cause of your experience.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Yours For The Taking

It is featured in this article:  Would Doing This Help Me Manifest Faster?

Feel It Real For Money – Neville Goddard Quote

approved-300x225“That experience taught me a lesson I have used throughout my life. When people ask me about my success, I must say, that I believe it is because I have never made ‘making money’ my goal: ‘My goal is the wise, productive use of money’.” This man’s inner conversations are based on the premise that he already has money, his constant inner question: the proper use of it.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard Feel It Real for money quote is featured in this article:  Help Me Manifest Money and in this special Neville Goddard Coffee Club Video

Imagine Lovingly – Neville Goddard Quote

love_hearts“I urge you to use your imagination lovingly on behalf of everyone, and believe in the reality of your imaginal acts. If you have a friend who would like to be gainfully employed, listen carefully until you hear his voice tell you of his new position. Feel his hand clasp yours. See the smile on his lips. Use every sense you can possibly bring to bear into the imaginal scene.”  – Neville Goddard.

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture THE HIDDEN CAUSE and was featured in this article:  Are You Doing Negative Feel It Real Sessions

How To Remain Faithful – Neville Goddard Quote

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_double_minded_2“You must so want it (your ideal, so much) that you are willing to remain faithful to your change in position.”

“You cannot assume you have your desire for one little moment and then return to your former state, for if you do you are a double-minded man and will not receive anything from the Lord.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture THE CREATOR and was featured in this article: Are You Doing Negative Feel It Real Sessions?

There is No Other Cause – How To Change Your World – Neville Goddard Quote

rosie_red_white“Their mood never varies, so they see no change and recognize no law between the mood they are sustaining and the outer world they dislike. If they were told that their mood was causing the phenomena of their life, they would deny it.”

“No one wants to feel that he is solely responsible for the conditions of his life, yet there is no other cause. God is the only cause and he is man’s own wonderful human imagination.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture The Game Of Life

Here’s how we helped a reader with their Feel It Real sessions with it:

Helping A Negative Relative