You Cannot Die – Let No One Frighten You

neville_goddard_immortal_awakened“Let no one frighten you, for you are an immortal being who cannot die. Although I have awakened to my Godhood before you, I am no better because I got there first, for there is no such thing as being first. Everyone is moving toward that level, and no one can fail.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:  

Persistent Assumption

Stop Searching – Start Feeling It Real

feel_it_real_stop_searching“The world is searching for the cause of the phenomena of life, not knowing it is their very self. The responsibility is yours when you discover that your awareness is the cause of everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen to you.”

“But when you realize that you are causing all the blows, the heartaches, and pains that happen to you, you will begin to change the way you think; and as you do, scripture will unfold in you.” – Neville Goddard

Go to: How I Had Two BIG Successes in ONE Week Feeling It Real!

This Feel It Real Lesson is from the lecture:

Persistent Assumption – Click Here

How To Feel It Real – What You Must Do

how_to_feel_it_real_dormant_neville_goddard“My friend knows this law and has applied it beautifully time and time again; yet we are all careless and often think a problem will take care of itself, but it will not. The power to change anything will lie dormant unless we operate it, as Imagination does not operate itself.” – Neville Goddard

Go to: The Neville Goddard Toolbox

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Fourfold Vision by Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard Stops Time – Again

neville_goddard_stops_time_feel_it_real“I can describe this power in words, but its true feeling must be experienced. One evening, while sitting in MacArthur Park, I watched a man walk by, stand on a corner, and light a cigarette.”

“Then I arrested that power in me and the match remained lit, yet did not burn beyond the place it was only a moment before.”

“The man, standing as a statue, appeared to be totally unaware of the lighted match, while the park took on the stillness of death. Then I released the power within me and watched the man blow out the match, throw it away, and continue to walk with the others. When you are clothed with the power from on high you feel it, and these things happen to you.” – Neville Goddard

Go to: The Top 50 Neville Goddard Links and Videos

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Power and Wisdom – Neville Goddard – 1968

Neville Goddard Quotes – The Ladder Lesson

neville_goddard_quote_the_ladder_lesson“You do not visualize yourself at a distance in point of space and at a distance in point of time being congratulated on your good fortune. Instead, you MAKE elsewhere HERE and the future NOW. The difference between FEELING yourself in action, here and now , and visualizing yourself in action, as though you were on a motion-picture screen, is the difference between success and failure.”

“The difference will be appreciated if you will now visualize yourself climbing a ladder. Then, with eyelids closed imagine that a ladder is right in front of you and FEEL YOURSELF ACTUALLY CLIMBING IT.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote on the ladder lesson is from the 1948 lecture: Consciousness Is The Only Reality

Take your manifesting to the max, with how we apply it in this article: The Differences Between Success and Failure

How To Pray The Neville Way – Neville Goddard Quotes

now neville goddard prayed“Now when you pray you must immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, for the word “pray” means, Motion towards; accession to; at or in the vicinity of.”

“Point yourself towards the wish fulfilled and accept that invisible state as reality. Then go your way knowing the desire is now yours. You did it and you will not be surprised when it comes to pass.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture There is No Fiction

How To Change Anything with Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_quote_repentance“If imagining creates reality, and you practice repentance by radically changing your mind, you can take anything that displeases you and change it.”

“Then persuade yourself that the change is real. Expect it to mold itself in harmony with what you are thinking, and the man, woman, or room, will bear witness to your repentance.” – Neville Goddard

Featured:  How To Bury The Old You

Source Lecture: Perception

Go to:  David’s $20,000 Success Story

Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_quote_2015“That is why we insist on establishing the basis of the Bible as Adam slept. That is the first creative act, and there is no record where he was ever awakened from this profound sleep. While he sleeps creation stops.”

“You change your future best when you are in control of your thoughts while in a state akin to sleep, for then effort is reduced to its minimum.”

“Your attention seems to completely relax, and then you must practice holding your attention within that feeling, without using force, and without using effort.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote comes from the Neville Goddard Lecture: Assumptions Harden Into Fact

Learn more about how to manifest faster with this principle here:  Neville Goddard and The Law of Reverse Effort

New Article: The Best Way To Determine Your Future – Click Here

The Sabbath – Neville Goddard Quotes

neville_goddard_quotes_sabbath“You are told it happened on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is only the mystical sense of stillness, when you are unconcerned, when you are not anxious, when you are not looking for results, knowing that signs follow and do not precede.”

“The Sabbath is the day of stillness wherein there is no working. When you are not working to make it so you are in the Sabbath. When you are not at all concerned about the opinion of others, when you walk as though you were, you cannot raise one finger to make it so, you are in the Sabbath.”

“I cannot be concerned as to how it will be, and still say I am conscious of being it. If I am conscious of being free, secure, healthy, and happy, I sustain these states of consciousness without effort or labor on my part. Therefore, I am in the Sabbath; and because it was the Sabbath he rose and walked.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  The 50 Best Neville Goddard Quotes and Links

This Neville Goddard Quote is from:

Thinking Fourth Dimensionally

Neville Goddard Quote – Wisdom Of God

neville_goddard_quote_wisdom_of_god“The patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew only sheer power, but Moses knew God as I AM. Revealing himself as power, then as I AM, when God’s son calls you father, you will know who you really are. This is the wisdom of God as opposed to the wisdom of man.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Power and Wisdom – Neville Goddard – 1968