How To Feel It Real – Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_mood“Well how do I operate it?” If I could put it in this simple little frame, the subjective appropriation of the objective hope, is the way to success. It is imagining as if it were true. “What would the feeling be like, if it were true?”

“So I start from the feeling of the wish fulfilled. I must begin by feeling, that I have already arrived. I have already achieved my goal. And catch the mood that would be mine if it were true and then wear that mood. If I wear that mood as if it were true, I will realize it in my world.” – Neville Goddard

Read along and (LISTEN TOO) to this Feel It Real Neville Goddard Lecture – I Am The Reality Called Imagination

Feel It Real Quotes From Neville

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_wisdom“Tomorrow you may be carried away with the news of the day. Although it may be very exciting, it is not important. What someone did, does not matter, and the reason it was done should not interest you.”

“Rather you should be interested in the collective sayings of the wise, all found in scripture and given to you by one Shepherd. Dwell upon the words recorded there and try to find out what is being said.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from:

The Light of The World – Neville Goddard Lecture – 1969

We just love this:

I Finally Found What I was Looking For – Click Here

Feel It Real Method of Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_method_neville_goddard“The first step in changing the future is DESIRE, that is, define your objective — know definitely what you want.”

“Secondly, construct an event which you. believe you would encounter FOLLOWING the fulfillment of your desire — an event which implies fulfillment of your desire — something which will have the action of Self predominant.”

“Thirdly, immobilize the physical body, and induce a condition akin to sleep by imagining that you are sleepy. Lie on a bed, or relax in a chair. Then, with eyelids closed and your attention focused on the action you intend to experience in imagination, mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action; imagining all the while that you are actually performing the action here and. now.”

“You must always participate in the imaginary action; not merely stand back and look on, but feel that you are actually performing the action so that the imaginary sensation is real to you.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from:

The 1948 Core Lectures of Neville Goddard – Remain Faithful To Your Idea

We explore and explain this method IN DETAIL in this special article series: The Almost Missing Neville Goddard Methods

Neville Goddard – The Potter’s House

neville_golddard_revision_quote“So I went down to the potter’s house and there he was working at his wheel. The image in his hand was misshapen, but he reworked it into another image as it seemed good to the potter to do.”

“The word translated “potter,” means imagination, and we are told that the Lord is not only our Father, but the potter, and we are the clay in his hands!”

“Remember the day your boss criticized you, and you are molding an image of yourself based upon what he said. Being undesirable, that image is misshapen. Unable to discard yourself, go down to the potter’s house by taking the same scene and reshaping yourself by remembering the day your boss congratulated you on your accomplishments. Will this act change your world? Yes! I tell you: the God of the universe is shaping you morning, noon, and night, as you accept words, actions, and events from seeming others.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the Lecture:

Imagining Creates – by Neville Goddard

This quote is part of a great teaching on Revision – one Neville’s three main tools. Read more about that by clicking the link below, so you can stop repeating cycles that you do not want in your life anymore.

Revision Questions Answered by Neville Goddard


Neville Goddard’s Streetcar Story


“Taking the streetcar home from work that first Christmas Eve, she found the car filled with young boys and girls, singing and happy, and she could not restrain the tears. Lucky for her it was raining, so she extended her face to the heavens and let the rain mingle with her tears.”

“As she tasted the salt of her tears she said to herself: “This is not a streetcar, but a ship and I am not tasting my tears, but the salt of the sea in the wind.” While she physically held the rail of the streetcar, she mentally touched the rail of a ship moving into Samoa. Physically tasting the salt of her tears she imagined it was the salt of the sea.”

“As the streetcar reached its destination, she was entering the bay of Samoa, feeling the moonlight shining on her body and hearing a voice say: “Isn’t it a heavenly night.” Two weeks later this girl received a check for $3,000 from a law firm in Chicago. It seems that two years before, her aunt had left the United States, requesting that if she did not return, the money was to be given to her niece.”

“Within one month, the girl was on a ship sailing for Samoa. Coming into the bay, she saw a ship plowing through the water leaving lovely white foam in its path. As the moonlight touched the wake, its spray touched her face and a man standing near said: “Isn’t it a heavenly night.” At that moment her outer senses experienced what she had used her inner senses to make real!” – Neville Goddard


Feel It Real – Walk in Faith

feel_it_real_quote_walk_faithful“Walking faithful to my appropriated state I gradually become it. If I Disentangle myself from that state, eventually, I cease to be it, for that which requires a state of consciousness to embody itself cannot be embodied without such a state of consciousness.” Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Feed My Sheep by Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_only_one_cause“Believe me, you are the cause of the phenomena of your life – be it good, bad or indifferent. If, to you the news is distasteful, you are the dreamer of that distasteful storm.”

“But the day will come when you will awake to discover that the storm is over. That there is only one cause, and that is awareness! I know it is easier to give advice and show the other person where he is wrong, than it is to acknowledge that he is only reflecting the wrong in you.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Freedom – Neville Goddard – 1968

Want heaps more?


Feel It Real Quotes by Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_quotes_believe“Believe in the reality of your own imaginal acts, for faith is loyalty to unseen reality. Have faith in your imaginal act. Although unseen by the outer world as an external fact, your loyalty to its unseen reality will cause the unseen to become seen by the world.”

“This is the practical side of this night. You and I can lift the cross from our own shoulders; for as I lift your cross I am lifting mine, and in a way I do not know the burden is lifted from me.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:

Thanks To Feel It Real – He’s Taking a YEAR off to travel now!

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture

Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens – 1969 – Neville Goddard


Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_feast“I have meat ye know not of. I am the bread that droppeth down from heaven. I am the wine.  I know what I want to be, and because I am that bread I feast upon it.”

“I assume that I am, and instead of feasting upon the fact that I am in this room talking to you and you are listening to me, and that I am in Los Angeles, I feast upon the fact that I am elsewhere and I walk here as though I were elsewhere. And gradually I become what I feast upon.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the lecture:

1948 Core Lectures of Neville Goddard – Thinking Fourth Dimensionally – Click Here

Want to speed up your manifesting? Read this: Neville’s Mind Meals

Feel It Real Quotes Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_quotes_neville_goddard_thoughts_flow“Living in infinite states, the basic state from which we operate is our body of belief. If you believe you are limited, your thoughts flow from that belief.”

“But if this principle is true, and you place a modification on that body of belief, you should produce a corresponding change, as your outer world is forever reflecting your inner thoughts.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from:

Follow The Pattern – 1968 – Neville Goddard