The Third Way – Neville Goddard Quotes

“My third way of praying is simply to feel thankful. If I want something, either for myself or another, I immobilize the physical body, then I produce the state akin to sleep and in that state just feel happy, feel thankful, which thankfulness implies realization of what I want.”

“I assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and with my mind dominated by this single sensation I go to sleep. I need do nothing to make it so, because it is so. My feeling of the wish fulfilled implies it is done.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from:

The Core Lectures #4neville_goddard_quotes

It is explored here: The Third Way To Pray by Neville Goddard

I Remember When – Neville Goddard Quote

neville_edgy_jpg“This principle can be used in a destructive or constructive way. You can say: “I remember when this was a glorious building and look at it now” as you become aware of rubble where once a glorious building stood.”

“Or you can stand on rubble and say: “I remember when this was all rubble,” as you imagine a glorious building. You can say: “I remember when my friend had nothing and now he has much,” or: “I remember when he had much and now he is so poor.”

You can say: “I remember when she was healthy,” which could imply she is now ill, or “I remember when they were unknown,” implying they are now famous.”

“So you see what power was in that revelation. It’s entirely up to you how you use your imagination, but the operation of your creative power is completely up to you. You make the decision, and are therefore responsible for its effect on the world.” – Neville Goddard

You can learn more about Neville Goddard’s – I Remember When Method – Click Here

Source Lecture: Neville Goddard – I Remember When 1968

Detachment – Neville Goddard Quote

kitchen_window“The purpose of practicing detachment is to separate us from our present reactions to life and attach us to our aim in life.” 

“This inner separation must be developed by practice. At first we seem to have no power to separate ourselves from undesirable inner states, simply because we have always taken every mood, every reaction, as natural and have become identified with them.”

“When we have no idea that our reactions are only states of consciousness from which it is possible to separate ourselves, we go round and round in the same circle of problems – not seeing them as inner states but as outer situations.”

“We practice detachment, or inner separation, that we may escape from the circle of our habitual reactions to life. That is why we must formulate an aim and constantly notice ourselves in regard to that aim.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard Quote is explored in this article:  How To Detach and Still Feel It Real

Choose Your Mansion – Neville Goddard Quotes

doorknob“There are infinite states from which you may view the world. You may enter a state and abide there until it becomes your home or you could be simply passing through for a moment, but it is a state, one of your Father’s mansions.”

“Choose the mansion in your Father’s house that you would like to enter. Assume you are already there. Feel the reality of the state surround you and you have arrived. Your dream is now true, but you must abide there!” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard Quote is from the lecture:
Christ In You

It is explored deeply in the lesson Why Saying “I Want” Blocks Your Blessings

You Are The Power – Neville Goddard Quotes

DSC_0573“Don’t just listen to it, but try it. You are the operant power; it doesn’t operate itself. And so when I know what I should do, well, then, I do it! Go to sleep tonight. All right, how am I sleeping? In what state of consciousness am I sleeping? As someone who is unwanted? All right, then I’ll rise tomorrow to find myself unwanted.”

“Ignore the facts of life and assume that you are wanted. Ignore the facts of life and assume that you are affluent, and see how things work in your world. It will all come your way. You are creating out of a power that is infinite, and you don’t need any contacts in the world. You don’t need to know the right people or anything else in the world. All you need to know is Christ, and Christ is your own wonderful human Imagination! What else do you need to know but Christ!” – Neville Goddard

– Get The Feel It Real Power Pack – ClickHere!

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:


It is featured in Paul’s Newest Neville Goddard Success Story

The Lion’s Den – Neville Goddard Quote

“Successful realization of the thing desired is also told us in the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. Here, it is recorded that Daniel, while in the lion’s den, turned his back upon the lions and looked towards the light coming from above; that the lions remained powerless and Daniel’s faith in his God saved him.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard Feel It Real quote is from:

At Your Command – Free Download

A great article on how to apply this to your life is here:  So You Think You Have Problems?

You Are Life – Neville Goddard Quotes

“I had to wait, and then one day I proved that I am the life. That night I moved in spirit into an environment where I intuitively knew that,although what I was seeing seemed to be independent of my perception, if I arrested that feeling within me everything would stand still.”

“I did it and discovered that not only the animate, but the so-called inanimate objects stood still. The falling leaves stopped in mid-flight. The blades of grass ceased to move. The bird in flight, the diners as well as the waitress – all were frozen as I stopped the feeling within me. Then I knew the truth of the statement: I am the life.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard Quote is from the lecture:

The First Principle

Fall In Love – Neville Goddard Quotes

love_hearts“If I could get you to be completely in love with some state to the point where it haunted the mind, I could almost prophesy that you would in the not distant future externalize that state within your world. And the reason we fail is we aren’t hungry enough to change.”

“For either we do not know the law or we haven’t the urge or the hunger to really bring about the change. For the changing of the feeling of “I” results in the change of reaction, which change of reaction results in a change of world.” ~Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Changing the Feeling of I

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Destroy Doubt – Neville Goddard Quote

emmett_comfy_holiday“So tonight I want to talk to you about the first principle, which you can always fall back on when in doubt. This first principle is: “Be still and know that I am God.” No matter what happens turn within and be still. Know that your awareness is God and that all things are possible to you.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

The First Principle

You will love this Feel It Real article where we explore it and more here:

Destroy Doubt Instantly with Neville Goddard

How To Feel It Real – Drench Yourself

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_nail_it“Choose an image you would like to express. Feel you are that image. So appropriate it that it must come forth in your world of shadows. Do that and you are praying, for prayer is your own wonderful human imagination, drenched with feeling. I could tell you story after story after story of those who have drenched themselves with the feeling of having their desire, and getting it.”

“Feel the wedding ring, if that is your desire. Feel the thrill of applause, or the joy of a child in your arms. Anything is possible if you can feel it; but if you are going to use reason it will never happen, because failure becomes your image. You don’t realize it but there are two of you, and it is your deeper self that tells you it can’t happen. But no real belief can ever be suppressed for long, for your inward conviction must find some external objective habitation, and it will.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

The Artist is God

Here is how to use it in your life, starting right now: Are You Using Both Powers of Prayer?