Feel It Real Quotes by Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_quotes_believe“Believe in the reality of your own imaginal acts, for faith is loyalty to unseen reality. Have faith in your imaginal act. Although unseen by the outer world as an external fact, your loyalty to its unseen reality will cause the unseen to become seen by the world.”

“This is the practical side of this night. You and I can lift the cross from our own shoulders; for as I lift your cross I am lifting mine, and in a way I do not know the burden is lifted from me.” – Neville Goddard

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Thanks To Feel It Real – He’s Taking a YEAR off to travel now!

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture

Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens – 1969 – Neville Goddard


Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_feast“I have meat ye know not of. I am the bread that droppeth down from heaven. I am the wine.  I know what I want to be, and because I am that bread I feast upon it.”

“I assume that I am, and instead of feasting upon the fact that I am in this room talking to you and you are listening to me, and that I am in Los Angeles, I feast upon the fact that I am elsewhere and I walk here as though I were elsewhere. And gradually I become what I feast upon.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the lecture:

1948 Core Lectures of Neville Goddard – Thinking Fourth Dimensionally – Click Here

Want to speed up your manifesting? Read this: Neville’s Mind Meals

Neville Goddard Quote The Four Reunions of The Promise

neville_goddard_quotes_feel_it_real“The first reunion is God’s birth from within.”

“The second is the discovery of his son, David.”

“This is followed by the third mighty reunion, when his spiritual body is split in two and God ascends like a spiral of lightening into heaven.”

“And finally, the fourth act appears, as the Holy Spirit embodies the form of a dove to clothe him – as you – with power from on high.”

“From that moment on, you are aware of an entirely different world. You will no longer be an animated body, but know yourself to be a life-giving spirit, moving through heavenly states, giving life and telling the eternal story.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Power and Wisdom – 1968 – Neville Goddard

Want heaps more?


Best Quotes from The Law and The Promise

neville_goddard_law_and_promise_quotes“The drama of life is an imaginal activity in which we bring to pass by our moods rather than by our physical acts. Moods so ably guide all towards that which they affirm, they may be said to create the circumstances of life and dictate the events.”

“The mood of the wish fulfilled is the high tide which lifts us easily off the bar of the senses where we usually lie stranded. If we are aware of the mood and know this secret of imagining, we may announce that all that our mood affirms will come to pass.” – Neville Goddard

The best quotes from The Law and The Promise


Want heaps more?


Feel It Real Quotes Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_quotes_neville_goddard_thoughts_flow“Living in infinite states, the basic state from which we operate is our body of belief. If you believe you are limited, your thoughts flow from that belief.”

“But if this principle is true, and you place a modification on that body of belief, you should produce a corresponding change, as your outer world is forever reflecting your inner thoughts.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from:

Follow The Pattern – 1968 – Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Quotes by Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_quotes_all_imagination“If all things are possible to your imagination, and you are all imagination, you should be able to accomplish anything and fulfill every desire.”

“But first you must be willing to believe you are all imagination! It’s entirely up to you. Do you believe you are mortal man – or all imagination?” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from:

Neville Goddard – 1968 – Follow The Pattern

“Crees que eres un hombre mortal, o todo imaginación?” – Neville Goddard in Spanish

Neville Goddard’s Feel It Real Formula

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_peace“When you spell Jesus in Hebrew it begins JOD HE VAU. You don’t have to go further – that is the Creative Power – (JOD) to be aware, (HE)to be aware of, and (VAU) to be aware of being the state decided on…  – that’s the Name.”

“Now, the day we really believe it and are bold enough to walk in that Name (JOD HE VAU), there will be peace in the world. If we turn on the outside to an external God, there will be war in the world. For you have denied me and when you deny the real God there is confusion and conflict in the world. – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from:

The Four Mighty Ones – Nevlle Goddard

Here is a great article that expands on it:

Neville Goddard’s Other Secret Feel It Real Formula

Nothing By Accident – Neville Goddard Quotes

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_motion“My son actually put himself into the state of war by reading a book about Guadalcanal and falling in love with the pictures of the natives there! He certainly didn’t enjoy his experiences while there, but he asked for it. You see: nothing happens by accident. Everything that happens in the world does so because you and I set them in motion, whether we do it wittingly or unwittingly.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the lecture:

Conception – Lecture by Neville Goddard – 1968

Read more here: Why It Is Far Easier To Double Your Income Than Manifest A Million Dollars

Remain Faithful – Neville Goddard Quote

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_quote_faithful“And if you will remain faithful to your new awareness, it will crystallize. You will find yourself moving across a series of events which will lead you to the fulfillment of your desired state. How it will come about I do not know. I only know it will unfold.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

I Remember When by Neville Goddard 1968

This is one of the three main methods from the Neville Goddard Toolbox, and has been used by people who suffered from Post Traumatic Stress disorder.


You’ll also find this quote and more goodies in:

Paul’s Paid in Full Success Story

Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_state_of_vision“If you will become self-persuaded that your desire is already granted, even though it is denied by the outer senses it will become a fact. I do not know how it will objectify itself, or when; I only know that when imagination is raised to the state of vision, the thing is done.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the Lecture:

The State of Vision – Neville Goddard – 1968

Here is where it gets goood!

Notice how in Pam’s Paid In Full Neville Goddard Success Story this is exactly what he did, and how perfectly and quickly it worked. This is why we love Wayne Dyer’s mentor, Neville!