Feel It Real Quotes Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_roses“While sitting in her chair she embraced a large bunch of roses. She smelled them, felt their velvety petals, and saw their beauty in her mind’s eye. Then, breaking the silence she left my meeting and returned to her hotel room at the Waldorf Astoria.”

“The next day the queen mother, Queen Elizabeth, was given a party at the Waldorf Astoria, with two thousand people in attendance. After the reception the maitre d’, not wanting to discard the flowers there, instructed his men to take three dozen roses up to this lady’s room. And when she came home that evening, all she could smell were those lovely roses.”

“She had embraced and lost herself in the feeling of the possession of beautiful roses. She walked by faith and not by sight, and the next day her room was filled with the heavenly aroma of roses.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from:

Walk By Faith – Neville Goddard Lecture – 1967

Speed Up your Manifesting: Neville Goddard’s Secret of Speed

Feel It Real – Neville Goddard Quotes

neville_goddard_quote_feel_it_real_reality“Work out the last scene, which implies the theme is realized. What would I do were I successful? What would I see ? What would I say? How would I act? Well, then construct one little theme or little scene which implies the fulfillment of my desire…”

“It can be anything in this world, and so he puts himself through the paces by simply inwardly enacting the drama that he himself has constructed, and whatever it would be that he has constructed, which drama implies the fulfillment of his theme, he inwardly acts it over and over and over again until it takes on the tones of reality.”

“When inwardly he feels natural in the part that in which he is now self-rehearsed, the curtain will rise and he will see it there. He will cast the inner drama on the screen of space and he will see moving on the screen of space all the characters necessary to complete the play.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the lecture:

The Four Mighty Ones by Neville Goddard

Want to know if you are Feeling It Real effectively?

Read this: Are You Imagining The Right Scene?

And go see this Feel It Real Success Story that came from this artice! It’s a goodie!

David’s $20,000 Feel It Real Success Story

Neville Goddard Quotes on Consciousness

neville_goddard_quotes“Your fusion with a particular state (imagining with feeling what you would experience were you in that state) causes that state to be projected on your screen of space. This law cannot be changed or broken and always reproduces in your outer world the exact duplicate of any belief you consent to as true.”

“If you would change your world, you must change your beliefs. Since consciousness is the only cause, you cannot blame others for the conditions which presently exist nor can fate or chance be the cause of that which you are now experiencing. Nothing can alter the course of events in your life except a change in your own consciousness.”

“Whatever is appearing in your world now, although it appears real and an unalterable fact, is a reflection of previous activity in your own consciousness. Therefore, a change in consciousness will reflect that change in the future just as surely as past beliefs reflect the present.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture: Consciousness

If You Really Believe Neville Goddard’s Quotes

IMG_1755“If you really believe me you will not pass anyone without doing something to lift his burden.”

“Taking up his cross, you will represent him to yourself as you would like to see him; and to the degree that you are self-persuaded, he will become it, even though he may never know what you did.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens

It is part of the series, Neville Goddard’s Almost Lost Secret’s of Manifesting

Let It Be – Neville Goddard Quote

young_neville_goddard“Once you have planted this seed in your imagination, do not uproot it by being anxious about how it will be accomplished. Each seed has its own appointed time. Some seeds take a few days; others a little longer. Feel confident that what you have planted will appear in your world.”

“Your imagination will draw all that it needs to make your dream an actual reality. It if takes others to play a part in order to accomplish your end, your imagination will draw that person into your drama to play his or her part in the sequence of events.”

“Your only responsibility is to remain faithful to your imaginal act until you experience it in your outer world. You can repeat your imaginal act each night before falling asleep. In fact, you may wish to enact this drama over and over again until it feels normal and natural to you as you drop off to sleep. Your imagination will work out the means to realize your dream while your conscious mind sleeps.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Consciousness Lecture by Neville Goddard

AMP UP your manifesting with the Neville Goddard Toolbox

Neville Goddard Quotes Meeting Abdullah

neville_goddard_quote_secret_of_prayerWhen I first met my friend Abdullah back in 1931 I entered a room where he was speaking and when the speech was ended he came over, extended his hand and said:

“Neville, you are six months late.”

I had never seen the man before, so I said:

“I am six months late?  How do you know me?” and he replied:

“The brothers told me that you were coming and you are six months late.”

I was late because the one who told me of Abdullah was a Catholic priest. I loved him dearly, but I thought he was almost a moron.   His father, a rum runner in the days of prohibition, left him two million dollars, which he proceeded to lose on Wall Street the first year.

The only wonderful thing he did was to take the last $15,000 and give it to a Catholic organization to care for his mother the rest of her earthly days.  So, having no respect for his judgment, when he told me about Abdullah I postponed going to hear him until one day I could find no excuse.

When Ab called me by name I said, “I don’t know you” and he replied:

“Oh yes you do, but you have forgotten.  We were together in China thousands of years ago, but you promised to completely forget in order to play the part you must play now.”

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lesson:


For more on the history and life of Neville Goddard visit

Neville Goddard Wiki Page

The 50 Best Neville Goddard Links and Videos

Neville Goddard Quotes on Assumption

deskquote“Walk in the assumption it is now an objective fact and see how God works. I tell you, in a way that you do not know, and you could not possibly devise, you will be led across a bridge of incident to the fulfillment of that state.”

“All you have to do is ignore the evidence of your outer senses and go about your own wonderful business assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Your assumption, instead of receding into the past, will advance into the future and you will walk right into its fulfillment.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

The Nature of God

Freedom From Sin – Neville Goddard Quote

DSC01810“He who commits sin is a slave to sin. You were taught to believe that sinning is when you do something wrong, but I say you are sinning when you miss your mark in life by failing to move! If, tonight you find yourself in a state you no longer desire to express, you must learn how to move into your desired state.”

“If you do not move (imaginally) you continue to live your undesirable state, thereby sinning and missing your mark in life! Regardless of what you may desire, persist in feeling its fulfillment, for if you do, feeling will become believing.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

I Remember When

You can learn how we use it to create the life of our dreams by reading this article:

Freedom From The Power of Sin

Who Is Your Savior? Neville Goddard Quotes

rest_knowing“People are always looking for some person coming into the world that will be Christ and they are so eager to find a Christ on the outside.”

“They thought they found one in Hitler, or in Stalin, or someone else – always a savior of the world. But, as quoted earlier from Mark 13:21: “And then if anyone says to you, ‘Look here is the Christ!’ or ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it.”

“You will never find him in another. In no being in this world will you find him. You either find him in yourself as the Way that leads you to God, or you will not find him.” ~Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard Lecture is from the lecture:

Christ Unveiled

I Remember When – Neville Goddard Quote

neville_edgy_jpg“This principle can be used in a destructive or constructive way. You can say: “I remember when this was a glorious building and look at it now” as you become aware of rubble where once a glorious building stood.”

“Or you can stand on rubble and say: “I remember when this was all rubble,” as you imagine a glorious building. You can say: “I remember when my friend had nothing and now he has much,” or: “I remember when he had much and now he is so poor.”

You can say: “I remember when she was healthy,” which could imply she is now ill, or “I remember when they were unknown,” implying they are now famous.”

“So you see what power was in that revelation. It’s entirely up to you how you use your imagination, but the operation of your creative power is completely up to you. You make the decision, and are therefore responsible for its effect on the world.” – Neville Goddard

You can learn more about Neville Goddard’s – I Remember When Method – Click Here

Source Lecture: Neville Goddard – I Remember When 1968