Isn’t it Wonderful Neville Goddard Quote

speed_up_manifesting_feel_it_real_neville_goddardThere is another technique I gave you last night. If you cannot concentrate on an act, if you cannot snuggle into your chair and believe the chair is elsewhere, just as though elsewhere were here, then do this: Reduce the idea, condense it to a single, simple phrase like, “Isn’t it wonderful.” or, “Thank you.” or, “It’s done.” or, “It’s finished.”

There should not be more than three words. Something that implies the desire is already realized. “Isn’t it wonderful”, or “Thank you,” certainly imply that. These are not all the phrases you could use. Make up out of your own vocabulary the phrase which best suits you. But make it very, very short and always use a phrase that implies fulfillment of the idea.

When you have your phrase in mind, lift the cloud. Let the cloud ascend by simply inducing the state that borders on sleep. Simply begin to imagine and feel you are sleepy, and in this state assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Then repeat the phrase over and over like a lullaby. Whatever the phrase is, let it imply that the assumption is true, that it is concrete, that it is already a fact and you know it. – Neville Godddard

This Feel It Real quote is from: The 1948 Lectures Of Neville Goddard

Here’s how we use it to speed up manifesting: Neville Goddard’s Secret Sacred Order

Neville Goddard – The Potter’s House

neville_golddard_revision_quote“So I went down to the potter’s house and there he was working at his wheel. The image in his hand was misshapen, but he reworked it into another image as it seemed good to the potter to do.”

“The word translated “potter,” means imagination, and we are told that the Lord is not only our Father, but the potter, and we are the clay in his hands!”

“Remember the day your boss criticized you, and you are molding an image of yourself based upon what he said. Being undesirable, that image is misshapen. Unable to discard yourself, go down to the potter’s house by taking the same scene and reshaping yourself by remembering the day your boss congratulated you on your accomplishments. Will this act change your world? Yes! I tell you: the God of the universe is shaping you morning, noon, and night, as you accept words, actions, and events from seeming others.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the Lecture:

Imagining Creates – by Neville Goddard

This quote is part of a great teaching on Revision – one Neville’s three main tools. Read more about that by clicking the link below, so you can stop repeating cycles that you do not want in your life anymore.

Revision Questions Answered by Neville Goddard


Neville Goddard’s Streetcar Story


“Taking the streetcar home from work that first Christmas Eve, she found the car filled with young boys and girls, singing and happy, and she could not restrain the tears. Lucky for her it was raining, so she extended her face to the heavens and let the rain mingle with her tears.”

“As she tasted the salt of her tears she said to herself: “This is not a streetcar, but a ship and I am not tasting my tears, but the salt of the sea in the wind.” While she physically held the rail of the streetcar, she mentally touched the rail of a ship moving into Samoa. Physically tasting the salt of her tears she imagined it was the salt of the sea.”

“As the streetcar reached its destination, she was entering the bay of Samoa, feeling the moonlight shining on her body and hearing a voice say: “Isn’t it a heavenly night.” Two weeks later this girl received a check for $3,000 from a law firm in Chicago. It seems that two years before, her aunt had left the United States, requesting that if she did not return, the money was to be given to her niece.”

“Within one month, the girl was on a ship sailing for Samoa. Coming into the bay, she saw a ship plowing through the water leaving lovely white foam in its path. As the moonlight touched the wake, its spray touched her face and a man standing near said: “Isn’t it a heavenly night.” At that moment her outer senses experienced what she had used her inner senses to make real!” – Neville Goddard


Two Ladies Feel It Real for Money

feel_it_real_manifesting_money_quote“Let me tell you of two ladies who came to my meetings, one here on the West Coast and the other in New York City. Both ladies were financially embarrassed. They had no money and no one to turn to. All I asked them to do was assume the feeling of financial security.”

“One lady immediately began to search for the feeling of security. Every day she imagined having all the money she needed to take care of her desires. Then one day she visited a friend, where she met a man she had known intimately 30-odd years ago. When he learned she was penniless, he set up a trust fund for her, providing her with more than she needed to live graciously.”

“When the other lady heard the story she, too, began to assume she had plenty. She told me that in the matter of one week, money began coming in. What did they do? They used their human imagination.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the Lecutre:

God’s Plan of Redemption – Neville Goddard
Manifest More Money with it here: Special Lesson from the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack

Neville Goddard Went First Class Quote

neville_goddard_first_class_barbadosSo, when I went down to the ship company, they said to me, “I am sorry, Mr. Goddard, but I do not have a first-class passage for you. We can accommodate you third class. You have the first-class accommodation for meals, and you can have all the other areas of first class; but for sleeping, you have to move into the third class.” I said, “That’s perfectly all right with me. I’ll take it.”

I went back to Abdullah and I told him. Do you know what he did when I said, “I am going third class to Barbados, but I have the accommodations of the first for the daylight hours?”
He said, “Who told you you’re going third class” You are already in Barbados, and you went first class.” Again, he closed the door on me.

I went down to the ship the morning it sailed, on the 6th of December; and the ticket agent said to me, “Mr. Goddard, I have good news for you. We have a cancellation, and now you can go first class, but you will share it with two others. There are three in the cabin.”

“That is perfectly all right with me.” So, I went down first class.

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

I Am All Imagination – 1971 – Neville Goddard

Want heaps more?


Feel It Real – Telephone Technique

neville_goddard_telephone_technique“I have found my telephone technique infallible. It never fails me. One day a friend called to tell me she wanted to take an examination to become a court reporter. Giving me nine reasons why she could never pass the test, I changed every one as I heard it, and when the conversation was finished I imagined an entirely different one.”

“I heard her tell me she had passed the test with flying colors. My friend took the test, and although during the interval of six weeks she remained negative, I continued to believe she had passed.”

“Then one day she called, saying: ‘Do you remember when I took the test?’ and I replied: ‘Yes, and you passed.’ Then she said: ‘Yes, but aren’t you surprised?’ I have been trying to tell her that imagining creates reality, but she cannot understand how an imaginal act unseen by the human senses can be held onto and produce results, but I know it always does!” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote on Neville Goddard’s telephone technique is from the lecture:

Test Yourselves – Neville Goddard

Read more about the technique that NEVER fails here,

Neville Goddard’s Telephone Technique


Feel It Real Quotes – The Creative Act

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_prayer_quotes“When you pray believe that you have received, and you shall receive.  When the physical creative act is completed, the sinew which is upon the hollow of man’s thigh shrinks, and man finds himself impotent or is halted.”

“In like manner when a man prays successfully he believes that he is already that which he desired to be, therefore he cannot continue desiring to be that which he is already conscious of being. At the moment of satisfaction, physical and psychological, something goes out which in time bears witness to man’s creative power.”  – Neville Goddard

This Feel it Real quote is from:

The 1948 Core Lectures of Neville Goddard – #1 Consciousness Is The Only Reality

It shows the massive difference between the teachings of Neville Goddard (The Godfather of Manifesting and Mentor of Wayne Dyer) and everyone else.   A great example is here:  The Creative Act Vs Fake It Till You Make it.

Feel It Real – Walk in Faith

feel_it_real_quote_walk_faithful“Walking faithful to my appropriated state I gradually become it. If I Disentangle myself from that state, eventually, I cease to be it, for that which requires a state of consciousness to embody itself cannot be embodied without such a state of consciousness.” Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Feed My Sheep by Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_only_one_cause“Believe me, you are the cause of the phenomena of your life – be it good, bad or indifferent. If, to you the news is distasteful, you are the dreamer of that distasteful storm.”

“But the day will come when you will awake to discover that the storm is over. That there is only one cause, and that is awareness! I know it is easier to give advice and show the other person where he is wrong, than it is to acknowledge that he is only reflecting the wrong in you.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Freedom – Neville Goddard – 1968

Want heaps more?


Feeling Is The Secret – Feel It Real Quote

feel_it_reel_feel_deelpy_neville_goddard_quote“What you feel deeply is far more important than what you are thinking. You may think about doing something for a long time and never do it, but when you feel something deeply you are spurred to act – and God acts!”

“He who is the cause of all life acts through the sense of feeling. You can think of a thousand things, yet not be moved to act upon one of them. A deep conviction – felt, is far more important than anything you could ever think.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the Neville Goddard lecture FEEL DEEPLY – 1969