How To Feel It Real – The Congratulatory Conversation

feel_it_real_congratulatory_conversation“So we sit quietly and we simply become imitators of our Father. And He called the world into being by being the thing he would call. And so we sit and we listen as though we heard someone congratulating us on having found what we seek.”

“So we go to the end of the matter and we listen just as though we heard, and we look as though we saw, and we try in this manner to feel ourselves right into the situation of our answered prayer, and there we wait in the silence just for about two minutes, and so they will lower the lights to aid you.” – Neville Goddard

Learn how to Feel It Real – Neville Goddard’s Toolbox

Source:  Changing The Feeling of I – 1953

How To Feel It Real – Conjure a Living Mirror

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_living_mirror“Walk through this door tonight in the assumption that you are the man (or woman) you want to be. It doesn’t make any difference if the outside denies it; you have seen the expression on the faces of your friends and heard their congratulations on the inside, with faith.”

“Now, carry this feeling into the deep and persevere. Conjure a living mirror of friends and acquaintances who have heard your good news and accepted it as permanent. See your face reflected in theirs. If they love you, you will see empathy. They will be rejoicing because of your good fortune.” – Neville Goddard

Learn how to Feel It Real – Go to: How To Reinvent You


Feel Deeply – Neville Goddard – 1969

Do you know Neville Goddard’s definition of IMAGINATION?

awakened_imagination_neville_goddard_download“CERTAIN WORDS in the course of long use gather so many strange connotations that they almost cease to mean anything at all. Such a word is imagination….”

“… I identify the central figure of the Gospels with human imagination, the power which makes the forgiveness of sins, the achievement of our goals, inevitable….”

“…Imagination is the very gateway of reality…”

“…I know of no greater and truer definition of the Imagination than that of Blake. By imagination we have the power to be anything we desire to be…”

Go to: How To Do A Feel It Real Session – The Single Act

Excepted from: Awakened Imagination – Download or Read It Here

You And Your World Are One

download_power_of_awareness_free_neville_goddard“What appears to you as circumstances, conditions and even material objects is really only the product of your own consciousness.  Nature, then, as a thing or a complex of things external to your mind, must be rejected.  You and your environment cannot be regarded as existing separately. You and your world are one.” – Neville Goddard


Free Download – The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard

Is Consciousness Is The Only Reality?

free_power_of_awareness_by_neville_goddard_consciousness“The reason lies in the fact that consciousness is the one and only reality, it is the first and only cause-substance of the phenomena of life.”

“Nothing has existence for man save through the consciousness he has of it.”

“Therefore, it is to consciousness you must turn, for it is the only foundation on which the phenomena of life can be explained.” – Neville Goddard

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Free Download – The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard

Change This One Thing and Everything Changes

power_of_awareness_neville_goddard_free_download_2“If man’s concept of himself were different, everything in his world would be different. His concept of himself being what it is, everything in his world must be as it is.”

“Thus it is abundantly clear that there is only one I AM and you are that I AM.” – Neville Goddard


Read this Feel It Real Success StoryWhat Happens When You Change Your Self Concept

Free Download – The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard’s Brother Victor and The Law

neville_goddard_brother_victor_goddard“Victor doesn’t smoke and he doesn’t drink, but he sits alone, and in his room he, too, is carrying on his little inner conversations – premises of desires fulfilled.  And he can completely control that imagination of his. He can completely control the inner conversation, and things work just as he has determined them.”

“He never goes to church. He’s a religious man in the true sense of the word. He gives generously to charity and to all people – you would never know how many people he helps in the Island because he doesn’t publicize it.” – Neville Goddard.

Read the TRUE STORY of Neville’s father and chair (with photos) that he used to change the world with:

How Neville Goddard’s Family Made Millions


What You Can Not Do With Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_believe“You can believe you are healthy, wealthy, successful, or a failure, and to the degree you accept this belief will you express the state. But fundamentally, what is your concept of God, for only as you seek his kingdom will you discover that God and his kingdom are one.”

“From this platform I teach that I and my Father are one. Being one, my Father can never be so far off as even to be near, for nearness implies separation. What is there in you that can’t even be near? Imagination! You cannot separate yourself from imagination.”

“You can’t claim: ‘I am’ and point to it as something on the outside. It is impossible to separate yourself from the sense of being, so in the sense of I AMness, you are imagining. If this sense of oneness is your Father, do you really believe in him? If so, to what extent does your confession in words conform to your deep, deep conviction?” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  Neville Goddard Success Stories

This How To Feel It Real Lesson is from

Seek The Kingdom by Neville Goddard

Success in Just Ten Days with Neville Goddard

neville_goddard_success_story_hat“Ann was a member of the world’s oldest profession, that of being a lady of the evening. She often came to my meetings, but this day we met on the corner of Broadway and 72nd Street, where she told me this story. One day, while walking by a hat shop, she fell in love with a beautiful hat in its window with a price tag indicating a cost of $17.50.”

“Wanting it so much, she decided to apply this principle, so in her imagination she placed the hat on her head, and as she walked up Broadway she felt the hat on her head. She would not look in a store window and be disillusioned, and when she arrived home she imagined taking off the hat and placing it on the top shelf before looking in the mirror.”

“Ten days later a friend called and invited her to lunch. When she arrived, the friend handed her a hat box, saying: “I don’t know what possessed me, but I bought this hat and when I brought it home I realized I had made a mistake. I do not like it on me but I think it would look lovely on you, Ann.” Opening the box she reached in and brought out – not a hat, but the hat.”

“Then Ann said to me: “Why didn’t God give me the money to buy the hat, instead of giving it to me through a friend?” I asked her if she felt obligated to her friend, and when she shook her head, No, I asked how much she usually paid for a hat. When she told me $4 or $5, I asked if she had ever purchased a $17 hat before. Again the answer was No, and when she admitted to owing two weeks’ rent, I said: “If while admiring the hat you found a hundred dollar bill on the sidewalk, would you have bought the hat? I’ll answer for you, no you would not.”

“You would have paid your rent and perhaps bought some groceries, but you would not have purchased the hat. Tell me Ann, how much money must God give you to get you to buy a $17 hat? If he gave you a thousand dollars you wouldn’t have bought it, for you are not in the habit of buying such expensive hats, so God knows best how to give you the hat you desired.”


This Neville Goddard Feel It Real Success Story is from the lecture:

Imagination Fulfills Itself – Click Here

How To Feel It Real – Neville Goddard’s Duck Story

neville_goddard_duck_story“Born in the little island of Barbados, we kept ducks and chickens for our own consumption. If mother wanted a pair of ducks for a Sunday dinner, ten days prior she would tell one of her nine sons to put a brace of ducks aside.”

“Now, our ducks were raised in the yard and fed on fish, which was cheap and plentiful – and not on corn, which had to be imported and was very expensive. We could buy a bucket of fish scraps for a penny, so we fed the chickens and ducks fish; consequently they smelled of and tasted like fish.”

“But if they were separated ten days or two weeks before you wanted them for dinner, and stuffed with corn and food of that nature, the entire texture of their flesh changed. During that interval of time however, they could not be given even a little bit of fish. They had to have a complete, radical change of diet.”

“If mother’s command was not remembered until perhaps four days before the meal everyone knew it, because when the birds were plucked and the heat began to express the birds, the entire neighborhood knew the Goddard’s were having fish for dinner, and no one could eat them. But if their diet was changed from fish to corn – and only corn for that interval of time – we had delicious ducks for dinner which tasted like ducks!”

“Now, although we are not ducks we do feed on ideas. Feed your mind a certain idea for one week and you will change its structure. Continue for two weeks and you will be well fed on lovely thoughts. You see, this is a fictitious world and you are its author. Nothing is impossible! It’s all fiction anyway, so live nobly and dream beautiful dreams; for you are all imagination, and your human imagination is the Lord God, Jesus – the Christ.” – Neville Goddard

Learn how to Feel It Real:


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