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Neville Goddard How To Feel It Real
“All things exist in the human imagination, and all phenomena are solely produced by imagining.” “Where there is no imagining, everything vanishes. If lack is
How To Predict Your Future With Feel It Real
“But if you apply this law you can predict your future. Feel a new mood rise within you. Sustain it and soon you will meet
Neville Goddard Free Will Quotes
“The illusion of the free will to do is but ignorance of the law of assumption upon which all action is based.” “Everything happens automatically.
Feel It Real With Your Spiritual Nose
“So when you know what you want, construct a scene which would imply that you have it. Enter the scene by touching the articles there,
Best Quotes from The Law and The Promise
“The drama of life is an imaginal activity in which we bring to pass by our moods rather than by our physical acts. Moods so
Love is Your Birthright – Neville Goddard Quotes
“Love is our birthright. Love is the fundamental necessity of our life. Do not go seeking for that which you are. Those who go seeking
How To Remain Faithful – Neville Goddard Quote
“You must so want it (your ideal, so much) that you are willing to remain faithful to your change in position.” “You cannot assume you
Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes on Belief
“How do you get out of a state? Through belief! You must believe in the doctrine. You are told: “Whatsoever you desire, believe you have
How Neville Goddard’s Feel It Real Works
“There is only one God and Father of us all who is above all, through all, and in all. If He is in every being
Revision Can Do THIS TOO?
A gentleman told Neville… “While my wife was playing tennis she received a severe break to her ankle. We both revised the incident, and although
Feel It Real In The Twinkle Of An Eye
“As a son of the Most High you can, in the twinkle of an eye, move into any state, but the chances are you will
Your Dwelling Place – Neville Goddard Quotes
“Are you thinking from the state you desire? Or is your dream just a passing fancy, a daydream you enjoyed for the moment and then
Grandma’s 8 Day Success Story – Feeling It Real Works
“Here is the way a lady wisely used this law of revision: It appears that two years ago she was ordered out of her daughter-in-law’s
The Truth About Abdullah by Neville Goddard
Now, let me tell you a story. A few years ago in this city I was giving a series of lectures down near that lake
How To Feel It Real – Ignore The Headlines by Neville Goddard
“What is your deep conviction tonight? What is the true image you believe yourself to be? Is it that you are a failure or a
Do It Now – Neville Goddard Quotes
“So, he hung up. I did not leave the ‘phone until I was self-persuaded that he had called me and told me of the good
Neville Goddard Stops Time – Again
“I can describe this power in words, but its true feeling must be experienced. One evening, while sitting in MacArthur Park, I watched a man
If You Really Believe Neville Goddard’s Quotes
“If you really believe me you will not pass anyone without doing something to lift his burden.” “Taking up his cross, you will represent him
Feel It Real Quotes by Neville Goddard
“If all things are possible to your imagination, and you are all imagination, you should be able to accomplish anything and fulfill every desire.” “But
Neville Goddard’s Breathing Technique
“Now there’s a definite technique to it, a simple, simple technique. If I can share with you what I do and it works. I bring
Neville Goddard Quotes on Consciousness
“Your fusion with a particular state (imagining with feeling what you would experience were you in that state) causes that state to be projected on
Neville Goddard Reading The Bible
“You will find this method of interpretation the key which will unlock the innermost of revelations. Take any story and, regardless of whether the central
How To Feel It Real – Your Experiment Becomes Your Experience
“Take me seriously. When you know what you want in life, construct a scene which would imply your desire is fulfilled. See it as clearly
Let It Be – Neville Goddard Quote
“Once you have planted this seed in your imagination, do not uproot it by being anxious about how it will be accomplished. Each seed has
Neville Goddard’s 3 Hour Feel It Real Success Story
“While in the act of shaving, I imagined I was speaking to my wife, and I said to her, ‘Isn’t it wonderful, the good news
Was Neville Goddard an Ascended Master?
“There are no Ascended Masters. Banish this superstition. You will forever rise from one level of consciousness to another; in so doing, you manifest the
How To Feel It Real For The Impossible
“I urge you to dream nobly. Although your dream may seem impossible, invite it into your consciousness by feeling it is real. Wear this feeling
The Victor Goddard Story
“My oldest brother at the age of 18 had no money and no prospects of getting any. But he had a dream. He dreamed of
Enter The Dream – Neville Goddard Quotes
“When you go into your imagination, make sure that you are actually performing the action, hearing the words, touching the object, or smelling the aroma
Neville Goddard Prayer Quotes
“Prayer is to be contrasted with an act of will. Prayer is a surrender. It means abandoning oneself to the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes
“There is nothing God cannot do! Do not think that one who is fabulously rich has an influx of spirit which differs from yours. He
Neville Goddard – Seventy Times Seven
“Peter asked the question: ‘Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him, seven times?’ and the Lord answered: ‘I did
Manifest Faster – Neville Goddard Quote
“Called upon to look for the cause of creation, what are you doing losing yourself in the phenomena of life? When something happens, search your
Neville Goddard Quotes on Prayer
“Eventually we are all going to know we are the Father; but in the meanwhile, persistence is the key to a change in life –
Bridge of Incidents – Neville Goddard Quote
“If you tell them it came to pass because you simply imagined it – no, they will point to the series of events that led
The World Is A Manifestation of Consciousness – Neville Goddard Quotes
“We claim that the world is a manifestation of consciousness, that the individual’s environment, circumstances and conditions of life are only the out picturing of
The Sabbath – Neville Goddard Quotes
“You are told it happened on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is only the mystical sense of stillness, when you are unconcerned, when you are not
Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quote
“Most men are totally unaware of the creative power of imagination and invariably bow before the dictates of “facts” and accepts life on the basis
You Can Grant It – Neville Goddard Quotes
“When you walk the earth and you see anyone in need, ask yourself what would be the solution to that individual’s problem, just what would
Best Power of Awareness Quotes – Neville Goddard
“Concepts determine the route that attention follows. Here is a good test to prove this fact. Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe
Neville Goddard Quotes Meeting Abdullah
When I first met my friend Abdullah back in 1931 I entered a room where he was speaking and when the speech was ended he
The Dreamer In You Is God – Neville Goddard
“The dreamer in you is God. Tonight as you dream ask yourself where you are. Many times while lying on my bed I have left
How To Feel It Real – The State Akin To Sleep
“You can release Barabbas and crucify and resurrect Jesus if you will first define your ideal. Then relax in a comfortable arm chair, induce a
Make Your Future Dream A Present Fact
“All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed. You must want to be different and intend to be before you can begin
Cast Your Bread Upon The Water – Neville Goddard Quotes
Cast your bread upon the water and you will find it after many days.” In other words, do not be concerned as to how it
The Day You Stop Believing – Feel It Real
“You must believe you are the one you would like to be, or you will never become it. Rather, you will remain what you believe
How To Remain Faithful – Neville Goddard Quote
“You must so want it (your ideal, so much) that you are willing to remain faithful to your change in position.” “You cannot assume you
How To Feel It Real – Make A Pledge
“You can take anything and test this power. Do it just for the fun of it. Hold a long-stemmed rose in your hand. Touch its
The Third Way – Neville Goddard Quotes
“My third way of praying is simply to feel thankful. If I want something, either for myself or another, I immobilize the physical body, then
Your Rational Mind and Feel It Real
“I am not speaking of anything rational in this world. I am speaking of a power that isn’t rational. The ‘rational mind’ is simply the
How To Feel It Real – Act Consciously
“Until imagination becomes a part of your normal, natural currency of thought, you will not act consciously. Like breathing, this awareness must become so much
What Causes Cancer by Neville Goddard
“Leprosy doesn’t come from without. Cancer doesn’t either. Everything is within man. Read the paper and react. That reaction sets a feeling in motion, be
Manifesting Millions – Neville Goddard
“When that man died, he left my brother, in cash, a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, three homes, many personal possessions (Note – today this
Is Consciousness Is The Only Reality?
“The reason lies in the fact that consciousness is the one and only reality, it is the first and only cause-substance of the phenomena of
How To Feel It Real – Neville Goddard’s Fundamentals – DETACHMENT
“Having discovered that everything is a state consciousness made visible and having defined that particular state which we want to make visible, we now set
How To Feel It Real – The Tennis Ball
“Imagination is defined as spiritual sensation. Come, let us now sense spiritual things that are not physically present. Right now I want you to feel
Did Neville Goddard Teach Affirmations?
Question on how to Feel It Real: Do you use affirmations and denials? Neville’s Answer: Let us leave these schools of thought that use affirmations and
The Secret of Moving Your Attention – How To Feel It Real
“All of your present beliefs, fears and limitations are weights that bind you to your present level of consciousness. If you would transcend this level you
How To Feel It Real – Tithing
“Tithing is necessary and you do tithe with God. But from now on give to the only God and see to it that you give
You Attract Your Secret Self – Neville Goddard Quote
“Your description of the world is a confession of the self that you do not know. You describe another, you describe society, you describe anything,
Why You Can’t Possibly Be A Victim by Neville Goddard
“You are the animating power of the universe. All things were made by you and without you was not anything made that was made, for
Be Single Minded – Neville Goddard Quote
“I say to everyone: you can be anything you want to be, but you cannot be double-minded. You are told, Let no one believe that
Neville’s OTHER Barbados Success Story
“I know that when I was told I could not get out of the island of Barbados for at least six months and I desired
Your Divine Purpose by Neville Goddard
“Start now to mold every being in your world into the form of love. But love, divided from imagination, is eternal death. If you do
I Give Life – Neville Goddard Quotes
“As a life-giving spirit, I have entered a scene from within. Those who were present could not see me; yet I was so alive with
Neville Goddard Quotes on The Law of Reverse Effort
“Now before we go into our moment of silence there is something I must make very clear, and that is this effort we discussed last
Destroy Doubt – Neville Goddard Quote
“So tonight I want to talk to you about the first principle, which you can always fall back on when in doubt. This first principle
Neville Goddard The Astrologer?
“In his infancy, man thinks everything outside of himself is the cause of the phenomena of life. Many believe in astrology. I must confess at
How To Pray The Neville Way – Neville Goddard Quotes
“Now when you pray you must immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, for the word “pray” means, Motion towards; accession to; at
Can You Give Reality to it? by Neville Goddard
“Who knows what you are imagining? No one knows, but you can sit down and imagine, and no one can stop you from doing it.
The Spiral Principle of Neville Goddard
“You came into this world to experience its horrors, not to change them. Our politicians promise to eliminate war and poverty, yet admit that they
What did Neville Say The Greatest Talent is?
“So the greatest talent, the greatest challenge to overcome, is the art of forgiveness. By forgiveness I do not mean a verbal agreement, leaving the
What Is The Solution? by Neville Goddard
There is no limit to your creative power. The most horrible problem will be resolved if you will but conceive a solution in your mind’s
You And Your World Are One
“What appears to you as circumstances, conditions and even material objects is really only the product of your own consciousness. Nature, then, as a thing
How To Feel It Real – The Day After
“Now, you don’t have to be a prisoner physically to use this law. You could be imprisoned financially, socially, or intellectually. All you need is
Eliminating Failure and Frustration by Neville Goddard
“The words of prophecy spoken of in the book of Revelation are your basic desires which must not be further conditioned. Man is constantly adding
Neville Goddard’s Teaching On Affirmations
“Can man decree a thing and have it come to pass? Most decidedly he can! Man has always decreed that which has appeared in his
Signs Follow – Neville Goddard Quotes
“Consciousness is the way or door through which things appear. He said, ‘I AM the way’ – not ‘I,’ John Smith, am the way, but
Know What You Want And Occupy It – How To Feel It Real
“Tonight, know what you want and go right in and occupy it. Don’t ask anyone’s permission; just put yourself into the state you desire to
Neville Goddard – Revision Secrets
“As you review your day, it is important to revise each negative reaction so that you can remember it as what you wished had happened
How To Escape Your Limitations by Neville Goddard
“Desire exists to be gratified in the activity of imagination.” “Through imagination, man escapes from the limitation of the senses and the bondage of reason.”
Who was the Mystery Man Neville Met in London?
“It was He who took me to London when I really wasn’t qualified to do it; and then in London to find a man —
How Long Will It Take? How To Feel It Real Faster
“How long will it take? As long as it takes me to change the state I’m imagining. So I imagine I am this, that, or
Thank You Father – Neville Goddard Quotes
“Tonight take this law and apply it. I promise you it will not fail. When you go to bed dwell in your own wonderful human
It Will Be Fulfilled – Neville Goddard Quotes
“So learn to exercise your creative power by applying the law, for you may have anything you want! You want to be wealthy, you may
How To Manifest When You Can’t Visualize – Neville Goddard Quotes
“Let me now share a letter I received from a friend. In it he said: Last Monday night a friend asked me for help, so
Remain Faithful – Neville Goddard Quote
“And if you will remain faithful to your new awareness, it will crystallize. You will find yourself moving across a series of events which will
The Law of Neville – Neville Goddard Quotes
“The law is simple: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” It is the law of like begets like. As you imagine, so shall your
How To Feel It Real – Weed Your Garden
“Now, don’t wait one second beyond the time that you observe weeds instead of flowers. Start right at the moment of observation, and start to
Neville Manifest’s $350,000 with Feel It Real
“Here in this audience tonight there is a gentleman. He started a business in Chicago in March of this year. If you knew the market
Neville’s Secret Listening Method – by Neville Goddard
“If you take this technique and you try it consciously, for here I am appealing not to the passive mind that passively surrenders to appearances,
Feeling It Real For Others #1
“Many a man is a failure today because no one ever believed he could be otherwise.” “So I say to you: if you believe that
Detachment – Neville Goddard Quote
“The purpose of practicing detachment is to separate us from our present reactions to life and attach us to our aim in life.” “This inner
I Allowed it To Become A Little Boat – How Neville Goddard Actually Used Feel It Real
“Right after the Second World War, I went to Barbados with my wife and daughter after purchasing only a one-way ticket there. Four months later
There is No Other Cause – How To Change Your World – Neville Goddard Quote
“Their mood never varies, so they see no change and recognize no law between the mood they are sustaining and the outer world they dislike.
How To Heal With Feel It Real
“If you desire health, you must assume it, even though the doctor’s reasoning world produces proof to the contrary. You must be ever aware that
Imagine Lovingly – Neville Goddard Quote
“I urge you to use your imagination lovingly on behalf of everyone, and believe in the reality of your imaginal acts. If you have a
Feel It Real For Money – Neville Goddard Quote
“That experience taught me a lesson I have used throughout my life. When people ask me about my success, I must say, that I believe
Manifest Faster – Neville Goddard Quote
“Called upon to look for the cause of creation, what are you doing losing yourself in the phenomena of life? When something happens, search your
Feel It Real – Neville Goddard Quotes
“If you lose sight of that end, however, you can and will be moved by seeming others. But if you keep your mind centered in
Dare To See Radiant Health – Neville Goddard Quotes
“Look at yourself in the mirror and dare to see radiant health and happiness reflected back to you. Then say within yourself: “I remember when
What Causes Health Problems – Neville Goddard Quotes
“The physical body is an emotional filter. Many human ailments, hitherto considered purely physical, are now recognized as rooted in emotional disturbances.” – Neville Goddard
How To Feel It Real For Pain
“Pain comes from lack of relaxation. When you sleep there is no pain. If you are under an anesthetic, there is no pain because you
Love is Your Birthright – Neville Goddard Quotes
“Love is our birthright. Love is the fundamental necessity of our life. Do not go seeking for that which you are. Those who go seeking
How Neville Manifested Marriage – Neville Goddard Quotes
“When I decided to marry the lady who now bears my name I applied this principle. At the time I was terribly involved. I had
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